First Cranes is certified with EN ISO 9001: 2015 for quality management as well as ISO 45001:2018 for occupational health and safety

We believe in safety, health, environment and quality

For First Cranes, safety is paramount. We aim to provide a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, contractors and visitors. Our goal is to have zero work accidents and incidents. Therefore, we're doing everything possible to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Our safety, health, environment and quality policy aim to ensure alignment to the First Cranes mission and values. Therefore, ‘Dedication to Safety’ means ensuring that harm is not inflicted upon its employees, contractors, service providers, or the environment. We ensure the application of this policy on our assets, as well as members of the public affected by its operations, infrastructure and all operational activities within the scope of heavy lifting and cranes.

First Cranes management and all employees are committed to the well-being and protection of human life and the environment. It’s our duty of care, protection of assets and customer satisfaction.

First Cranes has integrated safety, health, environment, and quality requirements into all activities. We care for preventive maintenance. Therefore, decisions made ensure the consideration of economic development, environmental quality and social equity to continually improve performance and achieve stakeholder requirements.

As a result of First Cranes commitment to Safety, Health, Environment and Quality policy, management is achieved through:

  • Implementation of an integrated management system assessed as per the requirements of ISO9001:2015 and ISO45001:2018.

  • Achieving compliance with applicable legislation and other requirements to which First Cranes subscribes. In addition to setting internal standards to meet the intent of this policy.

  • Addressing the needs and expectations of First Cranes customers and stakeholders.

  • Setting our safety, health, environment and quality objectives. Therefore, measuring our performance (KPI’s) with the objective of continual improvement.

  • Periodical risk-based medical surveillance for all First Cranes employees. This enables us to monitor and manage occupational health risks inherently present in the nature of our business.

  • Applying a safety-based behavior training for all employees.

  • Ensuring that our suppliers and service suppliers meet and adhere to First Cranes’ policy requirements.

  • Promoting open communication with all stakeholders and sharing of our knowledge.

  • Real accountability for all our managers and employees in performing and tracking our goals and targets.

  • Design, construction, and operation of our services in a safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner.

  • Offering our customers a warranty with our full technical support through after-sales team services. In addition to a full maintenance service, which includes scheduled maintenance and emergency maintenance. We achieve that by providing all spare parts in stock inventory on request at any time.

  • Ensuring our customers' satisfaction and guaranteeing the full working hours of cranes, especially in critical closures where the overhead crane is subject to intensive use.

Dedication to Safety

One reason we are able to provide our customers with such a superior safety record is that First Cranes’ most valuable resource is its employees. The resulting performances and attitudes have provided safe working environments for our employees. As well as a reputation among our customers and peers as a company that productively performs quality work safely. We chose to invest in our employees knowing that our investment in them creates an investment in the industry. We offer multiple accreditation and training programs that allow our employees to gain knowledge and skills to protect themselves and their peers.